Community Projects
We are always looking for like-minded individuals who share our values and optimism for
re-imagining the Arab world as a region that is flourishing. If you’d like to be involved in any of
our specific think-do-tank projects or just want to find a way to be involved in 3BL’s work more
generally, please get in touch on
Let’s Scale Together
If our values, approach and vision resonate with you and you’re interested in learning
our model and running a 3BL in your city, get in touch:
As you realize, 3BL’s work is a long uphill challenge and as a social enterprise, we appreciate any
generous donations in support of our think-do-tank research and initiatives. Please let us know
which initiative or research you would like to contribute to, or if you are a philanthropist who
is looking to create an impactful initiative and legacy of your own, 3BL can help you identify
and design the most effective strategy.